

发布时间:2023-06-08 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0

1、 When recycling celebrity calligraphy and paintings, do not invest beyond your own abilities, and act within your capabilities. Especially in the initial stage, caution is advisable. The books and paintings sold in the auction market range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to millions. Newcomers should pay attention to the works of mid level masters, often at low prices but with good quality.
2、 Do not purchase controversial works. Because there are many counterfeit products in the calligraphy and painting market, if one is not careful and buys them at the price of genuine goods, it not only loses funds, but also dampens personal morale and courage. Never be careless. If you are unsure of your technical skills when making a purchase, you can ask an expert for appraisal.
3、 Don't attack in all directions, collect extensively. To choose a category, a certain period, a certain theme, a certain school of art, or even a certain painter's work, focus on understanding and understanding the market situation of a certain type or painter's work, grasp its artistic characteristics, and achieve a clear understanding in mind. Only in this way can we win with confidence. If we want to broaden our horizons, we must have advanced qualifications and strong economic strength in order to achieve our goals.
4、 Pay attention to collecting various relevant materials for systematic understanding and research, such as calligraphy, painting, newspapers, art investment articles, books, auction catalogs, and auction transaction price lists. Only by collecting and analyzing information extensively can investment returns be guaranteed.
5、 Seize the timing of the sale. Selling artworks is a follow-up effort to art investment. Only by selling can profits be obtained. When transferring, consideration should be given to market conditions, market trends, and one's own capital turnover situation.
Here are five tips for purchasing old books and recycling celebrity calligraphy and paintings. We hope they can be helpful to you. For more information, please come to our website https://www.jndyt888.com Consult!
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