

发布时间:2023-03-09 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0

In fact, calligraphy and painting collection has always been the leading role in China's antiques collection market since ancient times, and many collectors have prostrated themselves under the pomegranate skirt of these celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. So today, Shandong's acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting personnel will explain what investment mentality should be paid attention to in calligraphy and painting collection.
The investment mentality of calligraphy and painting collection needs attention:
1、 Collection of calligraphy and painting should not follow the trend blindly. This phenomenon is rarely seen in the collection circle of ancient calligraphy and painting, but in modern times, many artists have no reputation, and the strength of their works can not withstand scrutiny. Even so, there are many collectors who pay a high price to buy "art garbage" in order to get their reputation, but they spend money but can't buy real good things.
2、 Collection of calligraphy and painting should not be blindly greedy. This also applies to calligraphy and painting collection. Some calligraphy and paintings of low quality will not have much room for appreciation even if they are collected in dozens. But the really high-quality calligraphy and painting can bring several times of economic benefits to collectors. Therefore, we say that the collection of calligraphy and painting is not more than the essence. We should ensure that every calligraphy and painting in our hands is of enough quality, and those "art garbage" should not be in our hands as much as possible.
3、 Don't try to collect all kinds of calligraphy and painting. China's calligraphy and painting collection categories are rich, such as painting period, theme, style, painting school, which are classified and subdivided into many, many. For many collectors, they may not finish learning in their lifetime. However, if you come into contact with areas you haven't learned in advance, the risk of collection will rise sharply. Therefore, the editor suggested that you should not collect all kinds of calligraphy and painting. You should select a category to learn and collect first, and then expand new fields when it is convenient to reduce the risk of collecting.
The related content of investment mentality that needs attention in calligraphy and painting collection is explained from three aspects. I hope it can give you good help. More matters will come to our website https://www.jndyt888.com Consult and understand!
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