

发布时间:2021-12-02 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0

1、 To establish a correct concept of copying, we should pay attention to the following aspects
Copying is a means, not an end. The purpose of copying ancient Dharma script is to master the basic norms of calligraphy, not to copy and repeat the ancients. Therefore, copying must have a process of entry and exit. We can't blindly face the ancient and eat the ancient.
Copying calligraphy is to explore the technique of writing, not to depict the shape. The purpose of copying is to find out the rules and causes of its writing, and grasp the general from individual, rather than mechanically tracing its shape. The method of using the brush is wrong. Even if the strokes are very lifelike, it is not conducive to the mastery of calligraphy techniques and rules.
The purpose of copying is to master the technique of writing, not to describe the appearance, which in no way means that the copyist can play at will. On the contrary, in order to enable the temporary readers to accurately master the writing skills, the "shape similarity" based on the correct method is also very necessary. Only on the premise of the unity of "correct method" and "form and spirit Bixiao", the imitator can go deep into the "deep-sea area" of the stroke and explore the nuances of the stroke, so as to master a calligraphy model or the advantages of a calligrapher in the development of the stroke. Therefore, copying opposes the following trend of not talking about methods., But adhere to the correct method under the premise of form and spirit bishop.
2、 The relationship between calligraphy and Literature
Calligraphy and literature are the expression of life's passion. Although the two arts belong to different art categories, they are closely linked in spirit and expression. The fluency of book feeling can promote the wonderful sound of literary thought; The elegance of literary thought can also drive the high flying of book meaning.
3、 Implied calligraphy "form" and its structure
The cultural form of calligraphy consists of the following levels: (1) the semantic level of characters; (2) Brush and ink appearance layer (dotted appearance and structural style); (3) Ink image layer (muscles and bones, flesh and blood, spiritual temperament); (4) Historical and cultural layer (temperament, morality and Ethics).
Semantic level of characters: strictly speaking, this level is non calligraphic. What supports it is the "original language function" of characters - to convey ideas and express will.
However, in the process of literati calligraphy, the content of characters has become an integral part of "literati calligraphy" representing the main body of calligraphy art; From the perspective of creation, the calligrapher "exposed the top according to the Hu bed" (Li Qi presented Zhang Xu's Poetry) and "swept thousands of copies in a moment" (Li Bai presented Huai Su's Poetry) because of his feelings; From the perspective of admirers, there is a difference in the intensity and feeling of aesthetic impact between calligraphy appreciation with "happy reading" and calligraphy appreciation without happy reading (such as "only observing the spirit" as Zhang Huaixiang said).
According to the overall orientation of Chinese traditional culture for calligraphy art - lyricism, expressiveness, and enlightenment, the semantic layer should be a part of calligraphy art; Without it, the integrity of calligraphy will be damaged. Therefore, we regard "semantic layer" as the basic layer of calligraphy art form.
"Pen and ink shape layer" is the beginning of "material" calligraphy. Any image of calligraphy needs to be constructed by dotted lines. Different stippling forms have different shapes (outer contour) and textures (brushstroke and ink rhyme), and each stippling has its fixed form; The sense of wholeness, the "Gestalt consciousness" in the visual psychological response and the "discrimination and reading attraction" in the meaning layer of Chinese characters give the calligraphy Chinese characters a complete and unified "sense of form". This is a black "calligraphy shell" loaded with strength, temperament, nature and ethics. The "body" of calligraphy, the font and the style of calligraphy, divides the field at this level.
"Ink image layer" is the transition zone of calligraphy from "material" to "culture", from "technology" to "Tao", from "pure objective" without self to "blending of things and me"; It is a comprehensive image formed by the shape layer of pen and ink in the viewer's mind.
"Image" is the appearance of "form". It is a long-distance, large space, fuzziness and comprehensive grasp of the whole spirit of the observation subject to the objective object. At this level, because of the subjective factors of the appreciation subject, each "small cell" obtains the meaning of "living form" in the thinking world. The strokes and lines of calligraphy have gained a sense of strength - strong, dignified, beautiful, ancient and clumsy, etc; The shape of calligraphy, or dignified, or elegant, or strange, or unrestrained, has also obtained some illusory "life".
Calligraphy, Chinese characters, in this world, it seems that each has an independent and complete life. The stippling wave skim is like people's hands and feet, raising their hands and throwing their feet, looking forward to love. This is a material framework for the appreciation subject to implement "re creation". In terms of the "reception aesthetics" School of western modern aesthetics, it is a "calling structure" for the readers to throw themselves into.
"Historical and cultural layer" is the high-level of calligraphy art form. It breaks through the shackles of calligraphy pen and ink form, takes the "form isomorphism" between calligraphy form and the form of the big world movement as the breakthrough channel, and pours a large amount of non calligraphy content into the black "tunnel" of calligraphy stroke lines through the cultivation of the psychological cognitive model of calligraphy special creation and appreciation.
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