

发布时间:2022-04-02 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0

The appearance form of calligraphy beauty
The form of works of art is the existence of content. The constituent factors and expression forms of the appearance form of the beauty of calligraphy are the regular combination of brush stroke, dotted line and structure.
1. The form of brush point painting
Calligraphy is based on pen. Calligraphy combines the structure and composition by using the lines produced by the pen movement and stippling. It is through the pen movement and stippling that calligraphers endow the lines with various beautiful forms: the thickness of the square, the straightness, the movement and stillness, etc.
Due to the different methods of calligraphy, the dotted lines can be divided into square pens and round pens. The square pen takes "folding" as the turning point. When writing the dotted line of each word, the pen breaks and resumes, and its ending is the "outward extension" method. The round pen uses "turning" to turn, and the line pen changes continuously, and its closing edge is "internal" method. The usage of square pen is like Zhang Menglong in Wei stele, and the usage of round pen is like Zheng Wengong in Wei stele. The method of using both square and round pens will produce a formal aesthetic feeling of combining strength with dexterity and elegance.
Straight and beautiful lines are more dynamic and changeable. Song and straightness, motion and stillness take care of each other and set off each other in calligraphy works. From the seal script formed with the body, the official script with various shapes, the regular script with changeable stippling, the running script with flowing clouds and flowing water, and the cursive script with flying dragons and Phoenix, the development of its straightness and movement is becoming stronger and stronger, and the line form of calligraphy beauty follows such a track. The beauty of cursive lines is a masterpiece of the beauty of calligraphy form, which is very exquisite. Liu Xizai pointed out in his "art outline": "a calligrapher has no seal script saint, Li saint, but a grass saint. The way of covering grass is ever-changing. The more he pursues it, the farther he loses it". The cursive lines of Kuang Su (Huai Su) and Zhang Xu (Zhang Xu) are "as graceful as a wandering dragon and as fast as a startling snake". Their twists and turns and strange movements and stills are indeed thousands of forms and shapes, which are inconceivable.
2. Rhythm of pen movement and stippling
The movement form of calligraphy lines on paper is not a smooth drag and straight stroke, but a rhythmic and rhythmic movement of light and slow diseases, cadence, stirring the melody of emotion in the pen emotion and ink rhyme, and a strong musical rhythm is infiltrated into the beauty of form. In Shuyi, Zhang Huaixiang of the Tang Dynasty called the book "the sound of silence". Yu Shinan also believes that calligraphy is similar to music performance in "on the pith of the pen." the sound of drum, harp and Lun is produced at will. "
The above is a detailed introduction to the acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service https://www.jndyt888.com
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